
Valentina - Derradda financial services Marketing and client service executive

Marketing Executive/Client Support

Acting as support for clients, I conduct regular analyses of their investments to ensure they remain aligned with the clients’ financial goals and risk tolerance. This constitutes a core aspect of our daily responsibilities – staying informed about the dynamic financial market landscape and evolving regulations. I also handle administrative responsibilities that help keep our client services running smoothly and support the marketing initiatives that drive awareness to our customers.

Get to know Valentina

What’s your favourite place?
My home here in Ireland, and in Chile where I do have all my family and friends. I also enjoy spending time on the beach and any peaceful place where I can enjoy nature.

What is your passion/hobby?
A good conversation! My friends make fun of me saying that I should have been a journalist because when I meet new people I literally interview them, but it’s because I am curious to know their experience, adventures, and their way of seeing life. When I am on my own, I like to watch documentaries and women’s football.

Never have I ever…
Realised how necessary financial education is and how it can impact our life.